Have You Noticed That Mainstream Spiritual Practices Leave You Feeling Unfulfilled And Maybe Even More Confused Than Before?
They Were Not Made For You!
This practice is designed for you:
- The seeker who is not afraid of the darkness
- Embracing a spiritual path, divergent from the norm
- Ready to step out of the confined existence of others' comfort zones
- Willing to become who you really are and were always meant to be
Start living your own, ideal sacred life on your terms
Take a Journey Through the Darker Side of Spiritual Growth
Just as you are a complex person, with your positive side and your negative side, so too are you spiritually complex.
You are more than a spiritual being having a human experience. Your spiritual side and your physical side are dynamically connected, meaning what happens to one, affects the other.
This means your spiritual work cannot be all peace, love and rainbows. If it is, then you are bypassing an important part of your psyche and soul. This work will take you into the entirety of your soul so that you can integrate it all together as a whole being.
Try to imagine what life would be like if it finally made sense and everything just fell into place. That is the goal of this work, to get you into that state of mind.
How Does This Help My Daily Life?
I know that you are struggling to find your way through a life that does not feel authentic. You may face once block after another, stumbling over things you thought would help you on your journey through life.
This is not your fault. But you have the means to do something about it!
Everything you have been taught about your life, everything you thought was true about you and your place in the world must be questioned. If it no longer works for you, then you must discard these things and move on.
But how do you do that? How do you know what events are lessons of growth, or true hindrances on your path through life?
Ultimately, the question is: Who are you really? And what is really yours?
You will never know these things if you continue to do these same things over and over, never taking a hard look at the core essence of who you are.
As we work together, we will delve into the depths of your being, to the core of your soul. There you can activate your authenticity and bring the energy of your higher being into your life and into your world.
Once you do this, with power and conviction, all that is not you, all that is stopping you, and all that is deceiving you, will become fully apparent and start to drop away.
This Is a Special Kind of Magick
When we think of magick, we think of casting our intentions to become reality. We have a specific goal in mind: the ideal job, the right lover, the perfect car, improving health, etc.
This type of magick is called operant magick. It is where you do your ritual and ceremonial work with the intention of a specific outcome.
One of the biggest downsides of operant magick is that you may get exactly what you asked for, only to find out that it is not the best thing for you.
The magick of The Abode Upon the Abyss is transcendent magick.
That is, you raise the baseline of your being and your daily life to such a high level that the right people, the right situations and the right circumstances are automatically drawn to you-without much effort on your part.
With transcendent workings, your life starts to resonate with the energy of the core authenticity of your soul. And the things that resonate with your authenticity are automatically drawn to you, like a magnet.
You may be surprised by the things that come your way. But when they are a part of your life, everything improves greatly!
An Investment That Reaps Great Benefits
If you are ready to make important changes throughout your life, your being, and let your soul realize itself, then you need to make an effort to change things.
Look at your life now, the trajectory you are on. What happens if you stay in the same job, doing the same work?
What happens if the same people are in your life, doing the same thing day after day?
What will your life look like, in five years, if nothing ever changes?
- This is the trajectory of your life. Do you really want things to go this way?
- To make a change, it starts now, and you have to invest time, effort and energy to commit to changing course, right now.
Are you ready to commit to creating this new path for you, to discover your authenticity, and to live the life you need to be?
Or will you let things carry on as they have been, continually degrading, tearing at your soul, dying slowly day by day, afraid to live as you were always meant to be?
The choice is yours. Commit to the path of change, and I am willing to help you do that.
Discover who you really are and what your life was always meant to be!
What You Get
- Five expertly crafted songs designed to open a doorway to the depths of your soul
- Two Powerful Guided Meditations to connect with higher self and align your soul
- Six weeks of meditation practices to connect with your own sacredness so you can create a sacred abode in the astral that will be reflected in your daily life.
- Fifteen focused intentions that creates a subtle impact across your daily life, shifting your entire being into a higher state
- Done for you guidelines for setting ritual space for ideal meditative practice so you can get the most out of this experience.
- Plus: Two one-hour guidance sessions, via Zoom or Phone, to refine your practices specifically for you!
Turn on Your Life's Switch Practice - $250 value, FREE!
What if you could turn on your ideal life, with the flip of a switch?
6 Tutorial Videos to guide you through the whole process
4 Audio Meditations, guided practices to activate each switch
6 PDFs to accompany each lesson in the course
Runes Are Not Just Little Mysterious Symbols
Runes are the great universal mysteries that surround us and are embedded throughout our lives. Think of runes as the connections between the subtle parts of your being and the subtle parts of reality. The names and symbols only serve as a mnemonic key to tap into these mysteries.
I have been studying and working with runes at the deepest level for most of my life. To help you get the most of this working, and enable you to take it to the depths of your soul, I have encoded runes throughout the music and the intentions. The runes are there, but they are not overtly obvious, nor will I reveal these secrets lest they become a distraction for your conscious mind. This is really easy, you do not have to spend time learning the runes, memorizing their meanings or try to learn ancient magick rituals. Instead, the runes are embedded into the working, making it even easier to engage in these ancient magick tools.
As we work together, I may suggest some runes you can focus on to supercharge the effect of the working. This will be something easy for you to learn, and will not be as strange as you are thinking.
We Are Beings of Resonance and Intention
When we specifically engage in sounds, embedded with intentions, we resonate with that intention. Each of these songs has specific intentions for you to focus upon and meditate with. As you do, the vibrations of the sounds integrate throughout your body and being, psyche and soul, so all that you are and all that you are becoming is in resonance with the intention of the music. Plus, this music is endowed with isochronic tones, which open your psyche at the deepest levels so the intentions can awaken the depths of your soul. Let's make this easy: how about engaging in a spiritual practice where all you have to do is listen to some music, hold a specific intention in mind and then watch as your world changes around you?
That is the core of this work. Then we work together, to hone in and fine tune those intentions to help you get on the path to realize the life you were always meant to create.
This Work Is Not For Everyone
This work was designed for those of you ready to take a deeper journey into the depths of your soul. This means taking a harder look at the parts of your being that you may have never tried to deal with before. If you truly are ready to take a step in your spiritual work, to engage your soul at a higher level and start letting your life become a reflection of your sacred essence, then this work is for you.
Try to imagine a life that is spiritually fulfilling. Where you get what you truly want and continuously improves your living conditions. Not everyone is ready for that. Are you?
My Journey Through The Abyss
Over the years, I have become an internationally renowned author, speaker and teacher who specializes in alternate paths of spiritual growth.
You may know me as the author of Runes for Transformation, published by Red Wheel/Weiser, and the founder of GaldraKraft.
But this was not always who and what I was. In fact, I had to do this work, that I am sharing with, to get to this place in my life. I do understand what it means to live a life that is not your own. I too, grew up in a school system that dictated who I was supposed to be. I attended a church where I was told if I did not believe what they believed that I would face an eternity of torment. Even my parents struggled to force me to fit into their ideals of what my world should be like.
Certain lifestyle choices I made as an adult cast me out from the family. And the more I connected with who I truly was, the more I was shunned from everything and everyone I knew. As I engaged my own spiritual practice, I found the beauty in the darkness. I found my way to the depths of the soul, and used this powerful energy to fuel who I was, at the authentic level.
Then, everything began to shift.
I realized, the more I expressed myself at the authentic level, the more I found people who accepted and embraced me for who I was. This is when I found the path to creating a new life, one that was a reflection of my own being.
Music has always been a part of me, and I documented this journey in five songs that represent my awakening.
This is what I have to share with you.
You Can Spend A Lifetime Trying To Figure Out How To Find A Path On Your Own
Or you can start now, and in the next few weeks start to:
- Gain a deeper sense of clarity and purpose to what your life is supposed to be by connecting with the most sacred aspects of your Being
- Easily draw people and situations to you that are in alignment with your purpose
- Have access to guidance from a perspective far beyond your three-dimensional reality
- Develop a clearer view of the road ahead, and how it will improve every aspect of your life, from romance to career and success in every way
- Start to clear away the toxicity and hindrances preventing you from becoming who you were always meant to be
Is this for Everyone?
No. There are those who resonate with a darker side of spiritual workings. While there are great benefits to working with the light, and this is excellent for many people, others find that they are aligned with a different spiritual path.
If you are ready to take your spiritual evolution to a new level, but have found that mainstream spiritual practices do not resonate well with your Being, then this may help bring you the guidance you have been seeking.
Is this Guided Visualization?
This is a self-guided meditative practice. With each song, you choose a specific topic to focus on. You set that as your intention, then allow yourself to drift into a meditative state. What insights, revelation or inspirations you receive is specifically attuned to our own path and your level of workings.
This is your process. It comes from within you. The music merely provides the set and setting for you to make connections to higher aspects of your Being.
Do I need to know how to meditate?
It will help, but not necessary. If you are already adept at meditation, self-hypnosis, or any other form of path workings, then you are already set to begin this working.
Do not despair if not. The music is designed to lull your mind into deeper states, without much effort on your part. All you need to do is set an intention from the 8-Week meditation guide, hold it in your mind, sit down and relax, then let the music do its magic.
Is this evil?
What is evil? Evil may simply be determined by which side of the dinner fork you are on.
Ultimately, no. This work is intended to connect you with a higher state of being so that you can create an authentic, ideal life that emanates from the most sacred parts of your Being.
You may notice part of your life shifting as situations change and people fade out of your life. This can seem destructive, and most certainly disruptive, at first.
But the intentions of these workings are not to bring about the suffering, destruction, or harm to anyone in anyway.
What can I use this for?
At the most basic level, this music will take you into a deeper state of your mind, and to the core of you Being, by inducing a deeply relaxed state of mind and body.
As you progress along the path set before you, you will notice subtle changes in the way you perceive your life and the world around you. Things will take on new meanings and things will change around you.
Persist upon this path, and your life will become full of purpose and you will gain clarity in ways you, maybe you could never have imagined before.
The music makes me feel weird and out of my body. Why is that?
The music is specifically designed to help your mind release its concerns from the toil of your daily life. As you listen to the music, you will drift into a deeper state of relaxation, allowing your consciousness and awareness to move into higher-orders of existence. These are the realms beyond the physical.
Your awareness will shift so that these subtle realms become real, and the physical, less so. This is a normal part of the process. Be willing to be open to this experience and integrate throughout all that you are.
Do I have to play the songs in order?
In the beginning, yes. It is recommended that you follow the order of the songs, with the specific Focus Intentions to help guide you on this path of discovery and awakening.
Once you have completed the initial journey process, you are invited to create a playlist in which you create your own journey, with your own intentions.
What is a Daemon and Daemonic Will?
Daemonic Will is your sacred purpose in this world.
Daemon is an old Greek term referring to one’s own higher being, which appears in the form of a separate entity, that provides guidance, inspiration and the occasional kick in the ass.
This is not to be confused with the “demon” from Abrahamic beliefs, which is an evil and destructive entity.
Connecting with the Will of your Daemon, is what gives you clarity to your purpose in life. Daemonic Will brings meaning and purpose to who you are, why you are here and what you are to do in this life.
What You Get
- Five expertly crafted songs designed to open a doorway to the depths of your soul
- Two Powerful Guided Meditations to connect with higher self and align your soul
- Six weeks of meditation practices to connect with your own sacredness so you can create a sacred abode in the astral that will be reflected in your daily life.
- Fifteen focused intentions that creates a subtle impact across your daily life, shifting your entire being into a higher state
- Done for you guidelines for setting ritual space for ideal meditative practice so you can get the most out of this experience.
- Plus: Two one-hour guidance sessions, via Zoom or Phone, to refine your practices specifically for you!
Turn on Your Life's Switch Practice - $250 value, FREE!
What if you could turn on your ideal life, with the flip of a switch?
6 Tutorial Videos to guide you through the whole process
4 Audio Meditations, guided practices to activate each switch
6 PDFs to accompany each lesson in the course